This is for all those I might take home...

My photo
I am a ginger that loves, art, music and Cuddle Penguin ;).

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

AP Portfolio One Last Time

So as everyone knows I think I'm one of the few in our class that got into this whole blogging thing. I just wanted to say that I love all you guys and can't wait till we meet again. I also wanted to say good luck to everyone and I know you all will be successful in whatever you choose to do.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Get Inked

Ok so as most people know I will most likely go into the tattooing field and so this weeks blog I am going to do a massive critique of some of the worst tattoos.

Where are the values and the proportions are off. I personally would be really PO'ed if this is what my money paid for.

This is pretty good and i don't really have anything to say about it. I also give it props...the Simpson's are awesome.

Le Sigh! Another fail at doing a portrait. I can't even say anything else it's that bad.

This would be okay except that well...proper english would be better. I hope the person told their customer that this doesn't make a lick of sense.

Too much values. It screams mass murder and his friend doesn't scream mass murderer.

These are horrible and am just going to end it right here.